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When I Was Dating Jack
The story of Cathie dating Jack at the movie.
I'm Cathie. Even I'm 70 old and live alone now, but long ago, I had my time, with lots of nice men that wanted me. I'd like to tell a story of Jack, the nicest one of them.

This is the story that happened on a day I was dating him. We were going to a theater to watch a play. And...

"Ah," I said, as I dropped my bag.

No sooner than that, he picked it up and passed me with a smile. He was gentle. I liked him, and at the same time he liked me. After a several minutes we arrived at the theater. It seemed we were a little late, as we saw the play had already started.

"Oh we have to hurry up," he said and we ran. Going through the gate, entering the venue. We didn't get why, but there, people were all dancing in a crowd. We went into them, and trying dancing with wonder. Seeing actors dancing in the distance and hearing the music playing on the stage, we understood we were supposed to dance to them. We were wrapping our arms each other and dancing a little harder to the music that could be heard faintly through the crowd. That was surely happy time. But sometimes our movements didn't match, which was a little frustrating. I wondered "If we were more intimate, that might completely match..."

Then he suddenly said to me. "Hey Cathie, I wish we were closer,"

"You mean our friendship? We should still try to be closer?" I asked him with slightly mixed feelings. But he said calmly, with a troubled look on his face: "...I mean, to the stage."

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