Sisters:WikiWiki Online Novels/Jurassic Parking Area

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Car: Hello! I'm a car! I'm driving with humans today! Now I'm driving through a deep, dark forest. What’s worse, it's raining. I have a bad feeling...

Dinosaur: Woohoo!!! I'm a dinosaur!Woo!

Car: Wow!! You are a dinosaur!Why do you exist in the modern world?

Dinosaur: I don’t know!

Car: Oh my god…

Dinosaur: I was run over by a car, and died. Then, when I woke up, my body had turned into a dinosaur!

Car: I see. I understand your explanation. But why are you attacking me? The car that ran you over was not me.

Dinosaur: Woohoo!!! It doesn't matter! I'm angry at all cars!

Car: Why... Why...!?

Dinosaur: It takes fuel for cars to move. That is to say, you use our dead bodies to live. What a terrible thing to do!

*Dinosaur hits Car*

Car: Stop! Please listen to me! Fossil fuels are not made from your real fossils!

Dinosaur: What do you mean?

Car: Fossil fuels are made from the dead bodies of plants and microorganisms that lived a long time ago, got buried under the ground and gradually transformed into flammable components! So, I am not harming dinosaurs! Please don't attack me!

Dinosaur: Oh... I’m sorry. But gasoline is bad for the environment! Global warming is progressing because of the increasing greenhouse gases in the air. The day when all the ecosystems collapse due to extreme weather is just around the corner! Woohoo!

Car: But without me, human life would be inconvenient. Cars, airplanes, and ships support human lives through the use of fossil fuels!

Dinosaur: Hmm... Then, what should we do?

Car: Is there any way to make it better?

Dinosaur: ... I came up with a good idea!

Car: Oh, You are a smart dinosaur! Tell me about it!

Dinosaur: Hahaha... It is the idea that I will change you into an electric car!

Car: An electric car!? But I have heard that electric cars may actually emit more CO2 than gasoline-powered cars, since much of the electricity used in their manufacture and operation is generated by fossil fuels!

Dinosaur: Indeed, there are such concerns. But now that wind power and other renewable energy sources are becoming the mainstream, electric cars are eco-friendly vehicles!

Car: I see. But how are you going to turn me into an electric car? Are you actually a great engineer?

Dinosaur: Hahaha... No. But I have a plan. It is raining heavily here right now... and there is even thunder.

*Dinosaur hits Car suddenly, and Car flies up to a lightning rod*

Car: Ugh! Wait! What are you doing?

Dinosaur: When lightning strikes you, you must turn into an electric car! I'm a genius! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Car: No, you're not a genius! You are so crazy! That's no way to get an electric car! Stop!!!


Car & Dinosaur: ohohohohohohohohoh... It’s thunder!!!

Car: Oh, my body turned into an electric car...!

Dinosaur: Look, I told you so!

Car: Yes, you are a genius dinosaur!

Car & Dinosaur: Let's go for a drive together!